讲座题目:Guidance and control of Autonomous ships/自主智能船舶的控制
Autonomous ships will introduce new models and opportunities to the maritime industry, enhancing the safety, economy, and efficiency of ship operations. This lecture will focus on research related to the Guidance and Control of Underactuated Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). First, it will outline the main research stages and challenges in the development of autonomous navigation control systems for maritime autonomous surface ships, and the related works on rules and regulations of MASS by IMO will also briefly be introduced. Second, it will discuss the design and analysis methods of guidance, navigation, and control systems, Finally, it will briefly present the current status of scientific research in the field of autonomous ships at the Center for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC) at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
专家简介:徐海通,葡萄牙里斯本大学海洋技术与工程中心(CENTEC)Assistant Professor (助理教授),博导,智能船舶团队负责人。博士毕业于里斯本大学,师从葡萄牙工程院院士、中国政府友谊奖获得者、里斯本大学高等技术学院(IST)杰出教授Carlos Guedes Soares教授,近5年主持3项欧盟科研项目及子课题,参与7项欧盟科研项目,总计发表SCI论文37篇,其中第一作者和通信作者25篇,获授权发明专利5项,编辑出版论文集2部。2019年获得“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”,2021年获里斯本大学优秀博士论文,多次受邀访问挪威科技大学等著名高校及研究机构,受邀担任JMSE客座编辑、MARTECH,RENEW国际会议分会场主席,电气和电子工程师协会学会(IEEE)会员等。