海洋科学与工程学院外籍专家讲座:Near-field flows due to ships or offshore structures

时间:2024-11-08 浏览:52

讲座题目:Near-field flows due to ships or offshore structures

讲座嘉宾:Francis Noblesse 资深研究员




The talk will present an overview of the part of the book ``Far-field waves and near-field flows due to ships or offshore structures'' that considers two fundamental elements in the analysis of radiation and diffraction of water waves by large bodies such as offshore structures and ships: the formulation of alternative boundary-integral flow representations and a new method of solution called Fourier-Kochin method. The simple integral equation and the Fourier-Kochin method given in the book lay the foundation of a new type of panel methods for computing near-field flows and far-field waves created by ships or offshore structures. 


Francis Noblesse教授是国际公认的著名水动力学专家,曾任美国David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) 资深研究员。在DTMB工作31年后,担任上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院讲席教授9年(2013年至2022年)。Francis Noblesse教授在船舶与海洋工程水动力学研究领域有许多重要的学术贡献和研究成果,尤其是在发展船舶和海洋结构物在静水中和波浪中运动的势流理论、解析方法和数值计算方法等研究方向具有突出造诣和重大国际学术影响力。Francis Noblesse教授在船舶与海洋工程重要学术期刊和重要国际会议上发表学术论文 200 余篇,曾荣获多项国际学术奖励和荣誉。
