海洋科学与工程学院专家讲座:Reclaimed Calcined Clay Cements (Re-C3) Behaviour of Concrete to BS8500

时间:2024-05-20 浏览:10

报告主题:Reclaimed Calcined Clay Cements (Re-C3) Behaviour of Concrete to BS8500

报告专家Li Zheng,研究员,博士生导师,University of Dundee



报告内容Cement is the most widely used material globally due to its abundant supply and affordability. However, the massive scale of cement and concrete production contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, estimated at 5-8%. As a result, the pursuit of low-carbon cementitious materials has gained substantial attention in recent decades. Among these, Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC3) have gained considerable interest, which substitutes approximately half of the traditional cement clinker with calcined clay and limestone. This study investigated using Reclaimed Calcined Clay to produce LC3. The clays used were reclaimed from various China clay quarries stockpiled not suitable for producing ceramics and collected dust from brick manufacture. The behavior of Re-C3 concrete was examined in terms of its fresh and hardened properties to BS8500. The results showed that recovered UK clays can produce highly reactive calcined clay cements. In general, Re-C3s have a higher water demand and require a plasticizing admixture. The strength development rates suggest that calcined clay reactions contribute significantly to compressive strength from around 3 days and ‘largely’ complete by 14 days. Highly reactive pozzolans of calcined clays result in higher rates of carbonation, however, chloride resistance is exceptional, which means Re-C3s can be well applied for marine infrastructure construction.

专家简介Li Zheng,男,英国Dundee大学研究员,博士生导师,1982年获东南大学学士学位,1984年获东南大学硕士学位,1984-1996年工作于浙江大学土木工程学院材料工程研究室,任副教授及研究室主任。2001年获邓迪大学博士学位。在混凝土技术领域拥有近四十年的研究工作经验,主持/参与EPSRCKQAABCAWRAPDEFRADTI等科研项目40余项,发表Cement and Concrete ResearchCement and Concrete Composites等顶刊论文40余篇,主编/参编学术专著8部。研究领域主要包括混凝土结构耐久性、泡沫混凝土、混凝土性能优化,材料性能数值模拟、低碳混凝土等。