海洋科学与工程学院海外专家短期授课:海岸动力学(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,Ian Turner教授)

时间:2019-11-08 浏览:1943

课程名称:海岸动力学(Coastal dynamics)

授课老师:澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,Ian Turner教授







40 Years of coastline monitoring at Narrabeen-Collaroy



40 Years of coastline monitoring at Narrabeen-Collaroy




Innovative coastline observing techniques – CoastSat, drones and CoastSnap



Innovative coastline observing techniques – CoastSat, drones and CoastSnap




The development of a new national-scale coastal erosion Early Warning System for Australia



The development of a new national-scale coastal erosion Early Warning System for Australia




The usage of coastal equipment



The usage of coastal equipment







BSc Hons 1 & Uni. Medal, University of Sydney, 1989

MEngSc (Environmental Engineering Science), UNSW, 1995

PhD (Marine Science), University of Sydney, 1994


MIEAust (Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia)

Member American Geophysical Union


Professional History

1994-1995: Contractor (Coastal Scientist) - NSW Dept Public Works

1995-1997: Research Faculty - Coastal Lab, Uni of Maryland, USA

1997-2000: Senior Project Engineer - WRL, UNSW

: Senior Lecturer – UNSW

1998-2001: Manager - UNSW Groundwater Centre

2000-2006: Senior Engineer & Research Fellow - WRL, UNSW

2007-2009: Senior Lecturer – UNSW

2007- : Deputy Director (Research) - WRL, UNSW

2010-2014: Associate Professor - UNSW

2014- : Professor – UNSW

2015- : Director – WRL, UNSW

Specialist Fields of Expertise

Coastal processes

Coastal engineering design

Coastal imaging (remote sensing)

Physical modelling

Numerical coastal modelling

Field data collection

Coastal groundwater dynamics

Coastline forecasting

Project management

Research and publication

Selected Recent Journal Publications

Ÿ = Denotes supervised student of postdoc

Turner, I.L. and Masselink, G. (2012) “Coastal Gravel Barrier Hydrology – Observations from a Prototype-Scale Laboratory Experiment (BARDEX)” Coastal Engineering, 63, 13-22

Ÿ Tarbotton, C.J., Dominey-Howes, D., Goff, J. and Turner, I.L. (2012) “GIS-Based Techniques for Assessing the Vulnerability of Buildings to Tsunami – Current Approaches and Future Steps” In: Terry, J.P. and Goff, J. (eds), Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region: Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts, Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 361, 115-125, DOI: 10.1144/SP361.10

Blenkinsopp, C.E., Turner, I.L., Allis, M.J., Peirson, W.L. and Gerden, L.E. (2012) “Application of LiDAR Technology for Measurement of Time-Varying Free-Surface Profiles in a Laboratory Wave Flume” Coastal Engineering, 68, 1-5

Masselink, G. and Turner, I.L. (2012) “Large-Scale Laboratory Investigation into the Effect of Varying Back-Barrier Lagoon Water Levels on Gravel Beach Morphology and Swash Zone Sediment Transport” Coastal Engineering, 69, 23-38

Williams, J.J., Buscombe, D., Masselink, G., Turner, I.L, and Swinkels, C. (2012) “Barrier Dynamics Experiment (BARDEX): Aims, Design and Procedures” Coastal Engineering, 63, 3-12

Turner, J.S. and Turner, I.L. (2012) “Foam Patches Behind Spilling Breakers” Journal of Marine Research, 69, 843-869

Matias, A., Masselink, G., Turner, I.L., Williams, J.J. and Ferreira, O. (2011) “Detailed Analysis of Overwash on Gravel Barriers” SI64 Journal of Coastal Research (International Coastal Symposium), 10-14, ISSN 07490208

Ÿ Harley, M.D., Turner, I.L., Short, A.D. and Ranasinghe, R. (2011) “A Re-Evaluation of Coastal Embayment Rotation: The Dominance of Cross-Shore Versus Alongshore Processes, Collaroy-Narrabeen Beach, Southeast Australia” Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 116, F4, doi:10.1029/2011JF001989

Ÿ Sénéchal, N., Abadie, S., Gallagher, E., MacMahan, J.H.M., Masselink, G., Michallet, H., Reniers, Ad J.H.M., Ruessink, B.G., Russell, P.E., Sous, D., Turner, I.L., Ardhuin, F., Bonneton, P., Bujan, S., Capo, S., Certain, R., Pedreros, R. and Garlan, T. (2011) “The ECORS- Truc Vert’08 Nearshore Field Experiment: Presentation of a Three-Dimensional Morphologic System in a Macro-Tidal Environment during Consecutive Extreme Storm Conditions” Ocean Dynamics, 61, 2073-2098, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-011-0472-x

Davidson, M.A., Turner, I.L. and Guza, R.T. (2011) “The Effect of Temporal Wave Averaging on the Performance of an Empirical Shoreline Evolution Model” Coastal Engineering, 58, 802-805

Austin. A., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E., Turner, I.L. and Blenkinsopp, C.E. (2011) “Alongshore Current Motions in the Swash Zone of a Sandy and Gravel Beach” Coastal Engineering, 58, 690-705

Blenkinsopp, C.E., Masselink, G., Turner, I.L. and Russell, P.E. (2011) “Can Swash-by-Swash Velocity Moments be used to Predict Net Cross-Shore Sediment at the Beach Face?” Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 9(1), 19-34

Ÿ Harley, M.D., Turner, I.L., Short, A.D. and Ranasinghe, R. (2011) “Assessment and Integration of Conventional, RTK-GPS and Image-Derived Beach Survey Methods for Daily to Decadal Coastal Monitoring” Coastal Engineering, 58(2), 194-205

Blenkinsopp, C.E., Turner, I.L., Masselink, G. and Russell, P.E. (2011) “Swash Zone Sediment Fluxes - Field Observations” Coastal Engineering, 58, 28-44