海洋科学与工程学院专家讲座:New Insights into Safety Culture

时间:2019-11-08 浏览:1773

报告题目:New Insights into Safety Culture

报告时间:20191118 15:00-17:00


报告摘要:In this lecture, safety and security culture will be elaborated and explained. How can safety/security culture be defined and what is it exactly, how does safety/security climate fit into the concept of safety/security culture, can safety/security culture be measured, and if so, how? All these questions will be answered in the presentation, which is based on solid scientific research. The safety/security culture model that will be expounded in the presentation was developed based on a very thorough literature study and was further validated with the collaboration of large companies.


Genserik Reniers是荷兰代尔夫特理工大学安全科学系全职教授,同时也是比利时安特卫普和鲁汶大学兼职教授。研究涵盖安全经济学、化工安全博弈、多米诺效应、危险化学品运输、动态风险管理,工业园区安全与安保等领域。目前担任Leiden Delft Erasmus (LDE)安全研究中心主任、荷兰公共卫生和环境研究所首席专家、欧洲安全与可靠性协会职业安全技术委员会联合主席、欧洲技术平台安全保障教育、培训和标准化领域主席等职务,同时担任Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process IndustriesSafety Science等五个重要国际期刊的主编、副主编或客座编辑。目前已经发表150余篇SCI论文,出版专著30余部。


上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院 安全科学与工程系

上海海事大学 安全科技趋势研究中心