海洋科学与工程学院海外专家短期授课:海洋钢筋混凝土构筑物有限元分析方法及应用(马来西亚Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,Ahmad Kueh Beng Hong副教授)

时间:2019-10-25 浏览:1911

课程名称:海洋钢筋混凝土构筑物有限元分析方法及应用(Finite Element Method, ABAQUS finite element software demonstration)

授课老师:马来西亚Universiti Malaysia SarawakAhmad Kueh Beng Hong副教授






Personal data

Name:   Ahmad Kueh Beng Hong

Appointment: Dr., Associate Professor

Place of work: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia

Brief Biography

Dr. Kueh is Assoc. Prof. in structural engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). He received his B. Eng in Civil Engineering from UTM. His Ph.D. was conducted under the supervision of Professor Pellegrino at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge. His research curiosity falls within but not restricted to the thermo-mechanics of structures, natural or man-made, specializing in fiber reinforced composite materials, and gaining great engineering inspiration from the mechanics of biological bodies. One of his missions is to treat natural beings as working template for motivation for betterment and optimized performance of structures and materials.



2004/01–2008/03: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Ph.D.- Thermo-Mechanical  Properties of Triaxial Weave Fabric Composites

2000/08–2003/05Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia, Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (First class)

1997/08–2000/05Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Diploma in Civil Engineering (First class)

Working Experiences

2019.01-Present: Associate Professor, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia

2008/03 – 2018.12: Senior Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

2003/07 – 2008/03: Tutor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

Teaching and supervision

Finite Element Method, Advanced Solid Mechanics, Theory of Plates and Shells, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Advanced Structural Dynamics, Research Methodology, Analysis of Structures, Applied Mechanics, Structures Lab.

Responsible supervisor for both Ph.D. students and M. Sc. Students.


Computer: Mathematical/numerical programming and computing: Matlab, Maple, ABAQUS, ANSYS, Nastran, Minitab, LUSAS, ERCAD, Cosmos/M, Femlab

Language: Fluent in Malay, English, and Mandarin