告题目:Offshore Pipeline Installation Analysis - an Overview
报 告 人:Nanxi Li
时 间:2019年5月29日14:40-16:10
地 点:海洋楼109
In this presentation, Ms. Li give an overview of different types of offshore pipeline installation analysis, including the installation of rigid and flexible pipelines, the installation of static & dynamic umbilicals, the installation of rigid & flexible risers, the installation of template, manifolds and other Subsea structures, the installation of spools & jumpers, etc.
李南熹目前就职于美国休斯顿的TRC Companies, Inc., 任管路工程师。她是美国德州注册工程师(Professional Engineer - PE in Texas State, USA). 此前,她曾在著名的海上安装公司Subsea 7工作,担任海上管道安装分析师。她参与的主要工程项目包括:Hess Stampede,Anadarko Heidelberg,BP Galapogas, Hess Tubular Bells,PEMEX L60/L67,等。李南熹本科毕业于大连理工大学电子工程专业自动化方向,硕士毕业于美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)机械工程专业。