讲座题目:Modelling and control of seawater intrusion considering the effect of climate change and sea level rise
主讲人:Akbar Javadi 教授(University of Exeter)
讲座时间:12月17日(周一) 10:00-11:30
Prof Akbar Javadi:

Research Interests
Prof. Javadi's main research interest is in the field of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering in general, and Computational Geomechanics in particular. This includes:
Geotechnical Engineering
- Modelling of hydraulic fracturing using Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)
- Soil stabilisation and reinforced soils
- Constitutive modelling of geomaterials
- Coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical FE modelling of unsaturated soils
- Modelling of behaviour of expansive soils
- Data mining in Civil & Geotechnical engineering
- Development of a new underground storm water attenuation system
Geoenvironmental Engineering
- Numerical modelling and control of seawater intrusion
- FE modelling of flow and contaminant transport in unsaturated soils
- Stochastic finite element method and application to modelling of flow and contaminant transport in soils
- Management of groundwater resources
- Decision Support System for management of contaminated land
Engineering Optimization
- Design and tailoring of microstructure of materials for prescribed material properties
- Development of integrated simulation-optimisation models
Self-learning finite element method
- A unified framework for modelling of material behaviour in FEA
- Development of a new knee brace system for OA patients
Teaching Interests