专家讲座:On the Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils

时间:2017-10-10 浏览:14392

 讲座题目:On the Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils


时间地点:2017年10月11日(周三)13:00-14:30 海洋楼109报告厅

内容提要:The effective stress principle is one of most fundamental contributions to the field of continuum mechanics. It converts a multi–phase, multi–stress state porous medium to amechanically equivalent, single-phase, single-stress state continuum, thus allowing the application of the principles of continuum solid mechanics to fluid-filled deformable porous media. In this presentation, the principle of effective stress in unsaturated soils is discussed, and some of the major misunderstanding as to its application to mechanics of multi-phase media are highlighted. In particular, the validity of the relationship proposed by Khalili and Khabbaz for the determination of the effective stress parameter c in unsaturated soils is examined. It is shown that quantitative predictions of shear strength and volume change in unsaturated soils can be made using the effective stress concept. The uniqueness of the critical state line in the deviatoric stress – effective mean stress plane for saturated and unsaturated soils is also discussed, and the incremental form of the effective stress parameter is derived.

主讲人简介:澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales),岩土工程专业教授和学术带头人(Professor and Head of Geotechnical Engineering)