The College of Ocean Science and Engineering launched the education activity of Growth Empowering career planning - Information retrieval for the class of 2021


In order to help junior students avoid poor information and grasp important opportunities, on the evening of March 10, 2024, the College of Marine Science and Engineering Class 2021 held the theme education of Postgraduate Entrance Examination, public Entrance Examination and job-related information retrieval in the Bangjian Lecture Hall, with instructor Sun Hanfen giving the lecture and part-time instructor Song Fengxi assisting the lecture.

Teacher Sun first stressed that whether it is postgraduate entrance examination, public entrance examination or employment, mastering effective information search skills is the key to success. Then, Ms. Song took the official websites of the graduate schools of specific target universities, the official websites of the State Administration of Civil Service, and the official websites of the National College Student Employment Service Platform as examples to teach everyone step by step how to find relevant information comprehensively and accurately. The entrance examination includes the number of students enrolled in various majors, exam subjects, admission scores, etc., and the entrance examination includes exam subjects, recruitment plans, job requirements, etc. In terms of employment, recommend the Maritime employment public number, Zhaopin recruitment APP. This theme education teaches students how to obtain accurate and comprehensive relevant information in the three aspects of postgraduate entrance examination, public entrance examination and employment, hoping to provide strong support for students to make important decisions, and help students to make the most suitable choice according to their actual situation and interests.

Teacher Sun also reminded the students to pay attention to the problem of dormitory hygiene, and called on the majority of students to consciously abide by the health regulations, and jointly maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the dormitory environment. In addition, the late name also made publicity to all students on the Ten Guidelines for Professional Behavior of college teachers in the New Era.

Figure 1 Late name scene