Email address:
Address: 1550 harbour road pudong new area of Shanghai
Work experience
1/2015 ~ 2/2016, a postdoctoral fellow
Israel institute of technology, department of civil and environmental engineering
Research direction: ocean wave energy power generation
Tutor: Michael Stiassnie professor
Since the 3/2016 lecturer
School of Marine science and engineering, Shanghai maritime university
Research direction: the distribution of ocean wave energy and its development and utilization
Education background
Dr 9/2008 ~ 12/2014 technology
Profession: the ship and ocean engineering
Department: ship ocean and architectural engineering college of Shanghai jiao tong university
Doctoral dissertation: the homotopy analysis method in the application of steady-state resonance wave research
Supervisor: professor shi-jun liao
9/2004 ~ 7/2008 engineering and double bachelor's degree of law
Profession: the ship and ocean engineering, law
: department of Harbin engineering university institute of Marine engineering
Honor rewards
The natural science foundation of 2015 Israel postdoctoral fellowship
2014 Shanghai jiaotong university, cultivation of excellent doctorial dissertations and funds
2014 ship ocean and architectural engineering college of Shanghai jiao tong university outstanding doctorate cultivation fund theory
2014 Shanghai jiaotong university, Dr Zhao mu-lan zhu scholarship
2013 ship ocean and architectural engineering college of Shanghai jiao tong university cultivation of excellent doctorial dissertations and funds
2012 Lloyd's education fund (LRET)
Main results of material
1. A national project:
As a project director presided over a national natural science fund project, project approval number: 11602136
2. The book:
Shijun Liao, Dali Xu and Zeng Liu, 2015, The lecture notes in physics: new approaches to nonlinear waves, Chapter 3, On the discovery of the steady-state resonant water waves, pp.43-82, Springer.
3. The paper list
3.1 dissertation
Xu Da ji li, 2014, the homotopy analysis method in the application of steady-state resonance wave research, Ph.D. Thesis, Shanghai jiaotong university
3.2 journal articles
3.2.1 steady wave system in the distribution of wave energy and journal articles:
[1] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin, Shijun Liao and Michael Stiassnie, 2012, On the steady-state fully resonant progressive waves in water of finite depth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics , Vol.710, pp.379-418.
[2] Dali Xu, Jifeng Cui, Shijun Liao and A. Alsaedi, 2014, A HAM-based analytic approach for physical models with an infinite number of singularities. Numerical Algorithms , Vol.69, pp.59-74.
[3] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2015, Equilibrium states of class-I Bragg resonant wave system, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol.50, pp.38-51.
[4] Xiaocheng Li, Dali Xu, and Shijun Liao, 2014, Observations of highly localized oscillons with multiple crests and troughs, Physical Review E, Vol.90, pp.031001.
[5] Zeng Liu, Dali Xu, Jun Li, Tao Peng, A. Alsaedi and Shijun Liao, 2015, On the existence of steady-state resonant waves in experiments, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.763, pp.1-23.
[6] Shijun Liao, Dali Xu and Michael Stiassnie, 2016, On the steady-state nearly resonant waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.794, pp.175-199.
[7] Shijun Liao, Dali Xu, Zeng Liu and Zhiliang Lin, 2016, Steady-state resonant water waves with time-independent wave spectrum, Science, Published as perspective.
3.2.2 wave energy development and utilization of journal articles:
[1] Dali Xu, Raphael Stuhlmeier and Michael Stiassnie, 2016, Parameter based design of a twin- cylinder wave energy converter for real sea-states, arXiv: 1605.00428.
[2] Dali Xu, Raphael Stuhlmeier and Michael Stiassnie, 2017, Harnessing wave power in open seas II: very large arrays of wave-energy converters for 2D sea states, Journal of Ocean Science and Marine Energy, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.151-160, DOI: 10.1007/s40722-017-0079-5
3.3 conference papers
[1] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2011, The resonance of two nonlinear traveling waves infinite water depth, The CET conference proceedings, pp.766-768, ISBN: 978-1-61284-362-9/11.
[2] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2012, On the quartet resonance of gravity waves in water of finite depth, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1479, pp.1838-1841 doi: 10.1063/1.4756539.(SCI)
[3] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2013, Steady-state solutions of the wave-bottom resonant interaction, Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, pp.273-275.
4. Academic report
[1] The resonance of two nonlinear traveling waves in finite water depth, 2011Word Congress on Engineering and Technology, Oct.28-Nov.2, 2011, Shanghai, China.
[2] Interaction of resonant gravity waves in water of finite depth, the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug.19-24, 2012, Beijing, China.
[3] On the quartet resonance of gravity waves in water of finite depth, the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathemaitcs, Sep.19-25, 2012, Kos, Greece.
[4] Steady-state solutions of the wave-bottom resonant interaction, the 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, Aug.12-15, 2013, Shanghai, China.
[5] Steady-state solutions of the resonant wave system propagating over undulated bottom, the 11th Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Oct.12-16, 2014, Shanghai, China.