1. The basic situation:
YuQiang, male, born in November 1990, nanjing, jiangsu province, doctor, lecturer. Mechanical association, member of China currently host 1 item of national natural youth fund, to participate in the national nature fund project 1 item, 11 papers published journals, including first author SCI retrieval 5, 5, including first author SCI retrieval core 3, article 3 public authorized patents.
Contact email: yuqiang@shmtu.edu.cn,
Address: Shanghai maritime university taishan research activities building 434 b
2. Education and scientific research experience:
(1) 2019.02.20 lecturer ship and ocean engineering of Shanghai maritime university
2) 2014.09 2018.12 ship and ocean engineering of Shanghai jiaotong university doctoral tutor, professor shi-jun liao
2016.02 Japan yokohama national university, visit communication of ship and ocean engineering
3) 2011.09 2014.04 in jiangsu university of science and technology of ship and ocean engineering master tutor, professor song-lin Yang
4) 2008.09 2011.06 (graduate) ahead of jiangsu university of science and technology bachelor of ship and ocean engineering
3. The master courses:
1. The ship structural mechanics (undergraduate)
2. The yacht design basis (undergraduate)
4. Research direction:
1. The wavelet analysis and the precision of the wavelet numerical method;
2. The ship and ocean engineering fluid mechanics, computational mechanics, nonlinear dynamics;
3. Artificial intelligence optimization algorithm is used in ship and ocean engineering;
4. The wavelet method and its application in nonlinear underwater acoustics, underwater acoustic engineering.
5. Research projects:
1. Young national natural science fund project, solving strongly nonlinear problems in mechanics of wavelet homotopy method development research, 2020/01-2022/12, in the research, the host;
2. The national natural science foundation project, application of new type of wavelet -- homotopy method for mixed convection problem solution cavity and micro pipe, 2019/01-2022/12, in the research, to participate in;
3. The national natural science foundation project, the water high-speed unmanned sailing boat performance integrated optimization model and method of 2014/01-2016/12, concluding, participation;
4. The Ministry of National Defense basic scientific research "twelfth five-year", deep-sea unmanned intelligent potential vehicle technology - submersible multidisciplinary optimization design, 2012/01-2014/06, concluding, participation.
6.Five representative papers:
1) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu and Shijun Liao. A novel Homotopy-wavelet approach for solving stream function-vorticity formulation of Navier-Stokes equations [J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 67: 124-151.
2) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu and Shijun Liao. Analysis of mixed convection flow in an inclined lid-driven enclosure with Buongiorno’s nanofluid model [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126:221-236.
3) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu and Shijun Liao. Nonlinear analysis for extreme large bending deflection of a rectangular plate on non-uniform elastic foundations [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 61:316-340.
4) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu and Shijun Liao. Coiflets solutions for Foppl-von Karman equations governing large deflection of a thin flat plate by a novel wavelet-homotopy approach [J]. Numerical Algorithms, 2018, 1:1-28.
5) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu. Novel wavelet-homotopy Galerkin technique for analysis of lid-driven cavity flow and heat transfer with non-uniform boundary conditions[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2018, 39(12):3-30
1) Qiang Yu, Hang Xu. A wavelet-homotopy Approach for nonhomogeneous boundary value problem[C], Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics , Nanjing, China, August 19-23, 2018.