ZHANG Fei, born in June 1986, in June 2017, graduated from Shanghai institute of technology and physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, doctor of science degree, 2017-2019 in materials science department of Fudan university is engaged in the postdoctoral scientific research work, in June 2019 at the Shanghai maritime university. Has now 19 academic papers, apply for 3 and authorized invention patents. As the Applied Surface Science, called Letters, Applied called, JOSA - A journal referees, etc.
Main research photoelectric material physics and devices, optical and electrical properties of thin film materials and composite materials, the development of new energy material and devices.
Hold or participate in research projects:
1. Youth fund of national natural science fund, the quantum well infrared detector based on crimp nanotechnology strain can control and take control of the project approval no. : 61805042, 2019/01-2021/12 (host)
2. China postdoctoral science foundation on private funding, curly quantum well infrared detector photoelectric characteristics of the study, project approval no. : 2018 m632014, 2018/01-2019/06 (host, concluding)
3. Seed fund derived from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai technology innovation, manganese cobalt nickel oxide film with organic coating interface electronic transmission characteristics research, 2016/01-2016/12 (host, concluding)
4. The national defense science and technology innovation, d.c., bionic compound eye devices and systems development (public), project approval number: KWH2022079 participants to (the first)
5. The Shanghai natural science fund project, project approval number: 18 zr1405100 participants to (the first)
Part of the paper published in recent years:
[1] F. Zhang, G. S. Huang, X. F. Nie, Z. Ma, Z. F. Di, H. L. Zhen, Y. F. Mei, Energy Band Modulation of GaAs/Al0.26Ga0.74As Quantum Well in 3D Self-Assembled Nano membranes, Physics Letters A, 2019,383, 2938.
[2] F. Zhang, X. F. Nie, G. S. Huang, H. L. Zhen, F. Ding, Z. F. Di, Y. F. Mei, Strain-modulated photoelectric properties of self-rolled GaAs/Al0.26Ga0.74As quantum well nano membrane, Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12, 065003.
[3] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Study on the optical properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films, Optical Materials Express, 2018, 8 (9): 2815-2822.
[4] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Interface electrical properties between MCNO thin film and organic compounds, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113, 061601.
[5] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Effect of substrate thermal conductivity on the properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin film thermo-sensitive infrared detector, Physica Status Solidi (a), 2018, 1800040.
[6] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Effects of partial substitution of cations on electrical properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111: 222103-1-4.
[7] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Spectroscopic ellipsometric properties of annealed Mn1.95Co0.77Ni0.28O4 thin films. Optics Letters, 2017, 42 (19):3836-3839.
[8] F. Zhang, J. Wu, C. OuYang, W. Zhou, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang. Effect of Cation Distribution on Structural and Electrical Properties of MnxCoyNi3-x-yO4 thin Films. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2017, 36(2): 144-148.
[9] F. Zhang, C. OuYang, W. Zhou, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang, Annealing effect on the properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O film detector, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2016, 35(3):287-293.
[10] F. Zhang, W. Zhou, C. OuYang, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang. Annealing effect on the structural and electrical performance of Mn-Co-Ni-O films, AIP Advance, 2015, 5(11):683-688.
[11] Z. M. Huang, W. Zhou, C. Ouyang, J. Wu, F. Zhang, J. G. Huang, Y. Q. Gao, J. H. Chu. High performance of Mn-Co-Ni-O spinel nanofilms sputtered from acetate precursors. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:10899-1-8.
[12] C. Ouyang, W. Zhou, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Fabrication and characterization of back-incident optically immersed bolometer based on Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films for infrared detection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015,233: 442-450.
[13] Zhang Fei, Ling Feng, XiaoLeYin Liu Zhihuan, Su Yu, Jiang Yanlin. Pulse plating Ni - Co alloy under the high temperature treatment of binding force change, diamond abrasives and engineering, 2014 (4), 61-65.
[14]Zhang fei, Ling feng, XiaoLeYin Liu Zhihuan, Su Yu, Jiang Yanlin. Double pulse composite electro deposition of nickel plated diamond sand mixing on technology, diamond abrasives and engineering, (6) : 2014-36.
Contact: zhangfei@shmtu.edu.cn